Lisa Russell started writing professionally in 1999 and has been supporting her family since 2007 using words.  Imagine that; words are free!  Sometimes she’s really good at picking the right ones and lining them up so they tell a story.  She’s ghost-written over 50 ebooks for clients, 6 of which are consistently on the Amazon Best Seller list for their category. She’s written over 11,000 blog posts for large and small companies and published nearly 20 books in 2016.  She’s worked with several web content agencies and even ran her own for a while.  These days, most of her writing is in the form of children’s books, white papers, cheesy romance novels, business plans, executive summaries, financial reports, post-it notes, grocery lists, anonymous argumentative tweets, and employee training manuals.  In the past, she’s worked as a copywriter for an ad agency, a freelance business plan consultant and a restaurant menu writer. She’s always planning to go back to school.  She lives in Seattle with ferns, flowers, moss, and other diminutive life forms.